An alternative to basin bath ing and CHG wipe bathing is plain wipe ba 번역 - An alternative to basin bath ing and CHG wipe bathing is plain wipe ba 한국어 말하는 방법

An alternative to basin bath ing an

An alternative to basin bath ing and CHG wipe bathing is plain wipe bathing, the use of disposable wipes that contain purified water, aloe, and vitamin E (Sage, 2014). This type of wipe lacks the bactericidal effects of CHG wipes but eliminates the use of bath basins and the associated bacterial contamination that can occur as a result of their use. In a study where plain wipe bathing was implemented, nurses reported decreased bathing times, pref
Figure 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
Records identified through database: CINAHL, PubMed, Ovid, Cochrane, Google Scholar, Virginia Henderson Library 2000-2014 (n = 1926)
Additional key words: Hospital, adult, urinary catheter, CAUTI, hygiene, infection prevention, HAI, bag bath, disposable bath, perineal and meatal care, and disposable wipes. Records excluded: (n = 1325)
Exclusion criteria: Neonatal and pediatric bathing, thermoregulations, physiologic changes with bathing, comfort care and bathing, studies where CAUTI was not a dependent variable. Records excluded: (n =574)
Articles excluded: Low-quality or no CAUTI-specific data (n = 5)
Records after duplicates removed: (n = 601)
Title and abstract review: (n = 601)
Inclusion criteria: Hospitalized adults, basin bathing, CHG and plain wipe bathing peri-care, and meatal care of catheterized patients. Bathing and hygiene for catheterized patients. CAUTI rates and bathing. Full text articles assessed for eligibility (n = 27)
Studies included: (n = 22)
Table 1. Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence Appraisal
Level of Evidence
Number of Articles
Quality A (High Quality)
Quality B (Good Quality) Level I 2 0 2 Level II 11 3 8 Level III 1 0 1 Level IV 1 0 1 Level V 7 1 6 Total 22
UROLOGIC NURSING / January-February 2015 / Volume 35 Number 1 15
erence for the disposable wipe products, fewer products used compared with traditional bath ing, and an overall cost savings when nursing time and product costs were considered (Larson et al., 2004). Plain wipe bathing among adult cath eterized patients has been shown to reduce CAUTI rates (Hamman, 2011; Makic, Burton, Hulett, Schomer, & Barron, 2013), with one study showing a statistically significant reduction from 4.42 CAUTIs per 1,000 catheter days to 0.46 CAUTIs per 1,000 catheter days (Stone, Chaffee, Rowin, & Chasin, 2010). Further support for plain wipe use is evident in a study by McGuckin and Shubin (2007). Following the removal of prepackaged bathing wipes and a return to traditional basin bathing, this organization experienced an additional 23 CAUTIs costing $107,741 to treat.
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결과 (한국어) 1: [복제]
An alternative to basin bath ing and CHG wipe bathing is plain wipe bathing, the use of disposable wipes that contain purified water, aloe, and vitamin E (Sage, 2014). This type of wipe lacks the bactericidal effects of CHG wipes but eliminates the use of bath basins and the associated bacterial contamination that can occur as a result of their use. In a study where plain wipe bathing was implemented, nurses reported decreased bathing times, prefSERIES/SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE LITERATUREFigure 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)Records identified through database: CINAHL, PubMed, Ovid, Cochrane, Google Scholar, Virginia Henderson Library 2000-2014 (n = 1926)Additional key words: Hospital, adult, urinary catheter, CAUTI, hygiene, infection prevention, HAI, bag bath, disposable bath, perineal and meatal care, and disposable wipes. Records excluded: (n = 1325)Exclusion criteria: Neonatal and pediatric bathing, thermoregulations, physiologic changes with bathing, comfort care and bathing, studies where CAUTI was not a dependent variable. Records excluded: (n =574)Articles excluded: Low-quality or no CAUTI-specific data (n = 5)Records after duplicates removed: (n = 601)Title and abstract review: (n = 601)Inclusion criteria: Hospitalized adults, basin bathing, CHG and plain wipe bathing peri-care, and meatal care of catheterized patients. Bathing and hygiene for catheterized patients. CAUTI rates and bathing. Full text articles assessed for eligibility (n = 27)Studies included: (n = 22)Table 1. Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence AppraisalLevel of EvidenceNumber of Articles Quality A (High Quality)Quality B (Good Quality) Level I 2 0 2 Level II 11 3 8 Level III 1 0 1 Level IV 1 0 1 Level V 7 1 6 Total 22UROLOGIC NURSING / January-February 2015 / Volume 35 Number 1 15erence for the disposable wipe products, fewer products used compared with traditional bath ing, and an overall cost savings when nursing time and product costs were considered (Larson et al., 2004). Plain wipe bathing among adult cath eterized patients has been shown to reduce CAUTI rates (Hamman, 2011; Makic, Burton, Hulett, Schomer, & Barron, 2013), with one study showing a statistically significant reduction from 4.42 CAUTIs per 1,000 catheter days to 0.46 CAUTIs per 1,000 catheter days (Stone, Chaffee, Rowin, & Chasin, 2010). Further support for plain wipe use is evident in a study by McGuckin and Shubin (2007). Following the removal of prepackaged bathing wipes and a return to traditional basin bathing, this organization experienced an additional 23 CAUTIs costing $107,741 to treat.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (한국어) 3:[복제]
잠깐만, 목욕 대체 분지 평원 닦다 목욕하다 광속 목욕 닦아, 일회용 물수건 함유되어 맑은 물, 알로에, 비타민 e (세이지, 2014년).이 신형 살균 작용을 닦아 광속 없는 물수건 말고 목욕 분지 사용 및 관련 세균 오염 발생할 수 있습니다.어디 한 연구 닦아 얻은 평원 목욕 보고, 간호사 목욕 번 떨어지고, 우선
연속극 / 시스템 문헌
그림 1.우선 보고 항목, 원 분석 시스템 평가 (드릴)
기록 데이터베이스: cinahl 통해 검색 시스템 소프트웨어,,,, google 학자 버지니아 주 도서관, 지금 2000-2014 (n = 1926)
추가 키워드: 병원성인 오줌을 파이프, cauti, 학생, 예방, 바다, 가방, 목욕 일회용 목욕, 회음, 귀 관리 및 일회용 걸레.기록 삭제: (n = 2)
배제 신생아, 소아과 목욕, thermoregulations 생리 변화, 수영, 위로 돌보다, 사우나, 연구 cauti 어디 안 변한다.기록 삭제: (n = 5)
글 삭제:안 cauti 낮은 품질 또는 특정 데이터 (n = 5)
기록 삭제 후: 복사 (n = 60)
이름, 요약 보기: (n = 60)
정상적인 성인 목욕 입원, 분지 평원, 변경, 사우나 가까운 잘 닦아, 코 관 환자를 돌보다.목욕 관. 예, 위생.cauti 속도, 사우나.제 평가 전문 자격 (n = 27)
연구 포함 (n = 2)
시계.존스홉킨스대 관리 증거 평가
증거 수준
글 개수
품질 (고품질)
품질 b (고품질) 급 내가 2 0 2 2 급 11 3 레벨 8 3 1 0 1 레벨 4 1 0 1 5 6 7 1 수준 총 2
비뇨기과 관리 / 일월 이월 2015년 / 볼륨 35 1번 15
참고 일회용 깨끗이 닦아 제품제품 비교적 적은 데 전통 목욕 잠깐만, 전반적인 비용 절감 한 때 시간 및 제품 원가 관리 (시간이 고민 등 2004).평범한 성인 eterized 예 (닦다 목욕하다 줄일 수 있다 cauti 속도 (hamman, 2011; makic, burton, 마구 서다, schomer, & 바 없다, 2013) 한 조사에 따르면, 현저한 복원 4.42 cautis 천 파이프 날 cautis 천 파이프 날 위해 () 은 & 따라다니는 chaffee,,,, 2010년).좀 더 지원 사용 평원 분명히 mcguckin, 그들의 과제는 한 연구 (2007년).해제 후, 다시 포장 목욕 닦다 목욕하다 전통 분지, 이 조직은 추가 23 cautis 겪은 비용이 107741 치료.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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