Defense[edit]The defender attempts to beat the attacking cards by play 번역 - Defense[edit]The defender attempts to beat the attacking cards by play 한국어 말하는 방법

Defense[edit]The defender attempts


The defender attempts to beat the attacking cards by playing defending cards from their hand. One card is played in defense of each attacking card. Non-trump attacking cards may be beaten by either a) a higher card of the same suit or b) a trump. Trump -attacking cards may only be beaten by higher trumps. The defending cards are placed on top of the attacking cards so that players can keep track of which card is defending against which.

At any point¹ point during a defense, the attacker or any third party in line can pitch in extra attacking cards(as long as they are the same rank as one of the two cards set down by main attacker and defender)², provided that for each new attacking card, there is already a card of the same rank on the table (either defending or attacking), and the total number of attacking cards does not exceed the number of cards in the defender's hand. The defender must also defend against these new cards.

If the defender is unwilling or unable to beat all attacking cards, he must pick up all the cards on the table—including all the cards the attackers pitched in—and incorporate them into his or her hand. At this point, the defense is abandoned. The defender may choose to abandon the defense at any point during the turn. This immediately ends the turn. The failed defender loses her or his turn to attack; hence the player to the defender's left attacks next.

If, however, the defender has beaten all attacking cards, and no other players are willing or able to add more, the defender has triumphed. The turn ends, all cards on the table are discarded from play to a discard pile, and play passes to the left: the successful defender opens the next turn as the new attacker. The attackers must wait their turn to give more cards to beat. With each card beaten by the defender the first attacker has the right to put another card to defend before others. If he or she passes, that allows the next one to the left of the defender to give another card if they have one or want to give it. When that card is beaten, the first attacker always has the right to add another card before other players. If he or she passes, it goes again to the left . This keeps the game fair and prevents everybody from putting cards on the table they want to get rid of at the same time. The last person to add cards is the person on the right of the attacker. Each card beaten in most games is considered to be a completion of that one circle, until the attacker gives others permission to add cards in the circle from the left of the defender (if the defender still has cards in his or her hand) and so on.
in some variants, it is only¹ after the main attacker puts down a card, and if the defender was able to defend.
If the above statement is true, then this concept applies.²

End of turn[edit]

At the end of each turn, whether or not the defense was successful, the following action is performed: starting from the main attacker, followed by anyone else who contributed cards, and culminating with the defender, each player with fewer than six cards in their hand must draw cards from the deck until they have six cards in their hand. When the deck runs out of cards, play simply carries on without any more cards being drawn. At this point, when someone runs out of cards, they are done with the game, and everyone else continues. Each player draws as many cards as they need (e.g. if there are six cards left in the deck and the attacker has just spent their entire hand, they draw the entire deck and no one else draws any cards). The order in which this is done is strategically important since the last card in the deck is by definition a trump.

No players may examine the discard pile at any point.

Winning and losing[edit]

There are different types of the game. In one type there are no winners, and only one loser; in another the winner is the first person who leaves the game without cards in his hand. The last person with cards left in his or her hand is the loser (the fool or "durak"). That person is the dealer for the next game, and the person to the fool's right is the first attacker of the next game.[1]

Team play[edit]

With four (2 vs. 2) or six players (2 vs. 2 vs. 2 or 3 vs. 3), it is possible to play in teams. The members of each team sit opposite one another (with two players on each team), or alternating (with three). The members of each team do not put down cards for their teammate to defend, but focus on piling up on the other team(s) instead.

"Fool with epaulettes"[edit]

If the very last card played by an attacker is a "6" (the lowest denomination in the deck for Durak) and the defender loses the defender is cheerfully pronounced "durak s pogonom" (дурак с погоном, a fool with an epaulette), and the "6" may be slapped onto the shoulder of the loser. This ending is even more insulting than simply declaring the loser "durak" ("fool"), because often the winner intentionally makes himself handicapped by keeping a
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결과 (한국어) 1: [복제]
Defense[edit]The defender attempts to beat the attacking cards by playing defending cards from their hand. One card is played in defense of each attacking card. Non-trump attacking cards may be beaten by either a) a higher card of the same suit or b) a trump. Trump -attacking cards may only be beaten by higher trumps. The defending cards are placed on top of the attacking cards so that players can keep track of which card is defending against which.At any point¹ point during a defense, the attacker or any third party in line can pitch in extra attacking cards(as long as they are the same rank as one of the two cards set down by main attacker and defender)², provided that for each new attacking card, there is already a card of the same rank on the table (either defending or attacking), and the total number of attacking cards does not exceed the number of cards in the defender's hand. The defender must also defend against these new cards.If the defender is unwilling or unable to beat all attacking cards, he must pick up all the cards on the table—including all the cards the attackers pitched in—and incorporate them into his or her hand. At this point, the defense is abandoned. The defender may choose to abandon the defense at any point during the turn. This immediately ends the turn. The failed defender loses her or his turn to attack; hence the player to the defender's left attacks next.If, however, the defender has beaten all attacking cards, and no other players are willing or able to add more, the defender has triumphed. The turn ends, all cards on the table are discarded from play to a discard pile, and play passes to the left: the successful defender opens the next turn as the new attacker. The attackers must wait their turn to give more cards to beat. With each card beaten by the defender the first attacker has the right to put another card to defend before others. If he or she passes, that allows the next one to the left of the defender to give another card if they have one or want to give it. When that card is beaten, the first attacker always has the right to add another card before other players. If he or she passes, it goes again to the left . This keeps the game fair and prevents everybody from putting cards on the table they want to get rid of at the same time. The last person to add cards is the person on the right of the attacker. Each card beaten in most games is considered to be a completion of that one circle, until the attacker gives others permission to add cards in the circle from the left of the defender (if the defender still has cards in his or her hand) and so some variants, it is only¹ after the main attacker puts down a card, and if the defender was able to defend.If the above statement is true, then this concept applies.²End of turn[edit]At the end of each turn, whether or not the defense was successful, the following action is performed: starting from the main attacker, followed by anyone else who contributed cards, and culminating with the defender, each player with fewer than six cards in their hand must draw cards from the deck until they have six cards in their hand. When the deck runs out of cards, play simply carries on without any more cards being drawn. At this point, when someone runs out of cards, they are done with the game, and everyone else continues. Each player draws as many cards as they need (e.g. if there are six cards left in the deck and the attacker has just spent their entire hand, they draw the entire deck and no one else draws any cards). The order in which this is done is strategically important since the last card in the deck is by definition a trump.No players may examine the discard pile at any point.Winning and losing[edit]There are different types of the game. In one type there are no winners, and only one loser; in another the winner is the first person who leaves the game without cards in his hand. The last person with cards left in his or her hand is the loser (the fool or "durak"). That person is the dealer for the next game, and the person to the fool's right is the first attacker of the next game.[1]Team play[edit]With four (2 vs. 2) or six players (2 vs. 2 vs. 2 or 3 vs. 3), it is possible to play in teams. The members of each team sit opposite one another (with two players on each team), or alternating (with three). The members of each team do not put down cards for their teammate to defend, but focus on piling up on the other team(s) instead."Fool with epaulettes"[edit]If the very last card played by an attacker is a "6" (the lowest denomination in the deck for Durak) and the defender loses the defender is cheerfully pronounced "durak s pogonom" (дурак с погоном, a fool with an epaulette), and the "6" may be slapped onto the shoulder of the loser. This ending is even more insulting than simply declaring the loser "durak" ("fool"), because often the winner intentionally makes himself handicapped by keeping a
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (한국어) 2:[복제]
국방 [편집] 방어자는 자신의 손에서 방어 카드를 재생하여 공격 카드를 이길하려고합니다. 하나 카드는 각각의 공격 카드의 방어에 재생됩니다. 비 트럼프 공격 카드는 같은 무늬의) 높은 카드 또는 b)는 트럼프 중 하나에 의해 구타 할 수있다. 트럼프 -attacking 카드는 높은 최후의 수단에 의해 구타 할 수있다. 선수 카드가있는 방어하는 추적 할 수 있도록 방어 카드. 공격 카드의 상단에 배치되는 긴으로 (방어, 공격자 또는 추가 공격 카드에 던질 수있는 선에서 제 3 자 중에 point¹의 시점에서 그들은, 주요 공격자와 방어자) ²에 의해 아래로 설정 두 카드 중 하나와 같은 순위이기 때문에 각각의 새로운 공격 카드 (중) 방어 또는 공격 테이블에 동일한 순위의 카드가 이미 있다는 것을 제공하고, 공격 카드의 총 개수가 앞뒤로의 손에있는 카드의 개수를 초과하지 않는다. 방어자는 이러한 새로운 카드를 방어해야합니다. 방어자가 내키지 또는 모든 공격 카드를 이길 수없는 경우, 그는 공격자가 투구 테이블을 포함한 모든 카드에있는 모든 카드를 선택에-과에 통합해야 자신의 손. 이 시점에서, 방어는 포기한다. 방어자는 턴 어느 시점에서 방어를 포기하도록 선택할 수 있습니다. 이것은 바로 턴을 종료합니다. 실패한 수비수는 그녀의 또는 공격에 자신의 차례를 잃게; 따라서 수비수의 왼쪽 공격 플레이어는 다음. 그러나 수비수 모든 공격 카드를 구타했고, 다른 팀은 추가 기꺼이 또는 수없는 경우, 방어자가 승리했다. 턴 테이블에있는 모든 카드를 폐기 더미 게임에서 폐기, 종료, 놀이 왼쪽으로 전달합니다 성공적인 수비수가 새로운 공격자로 다음 턴을 엽니 다. 공격자는 이길 수있는 더 많은 카드를주고 자신의 차례를 기다려야합니다. 수비수에 의해 구타 각 카드와 함께 첫 번째 공격자는 다른 사람 전에 방어하기 위해 다른 카드를 넣을 수있는 권리가 있습니다. 그 또는 그녀가 통과하면, 그것은 그들이 하나가하거나 제공하려는 경우 다른 카드를 제공 할 수있는 수비수의 왼쪽에있는 다음 일을 할 수 있습니다. 그 카드는 고해되는 경우, 제 공격자는 항상 다른 플레이어 전에 다른 카드를 추가 할 권리를 갖는다. 그 또는 그녀가 통과하면, 그 왼쪽에 다시 진행한다. 이것은 공정한 게임을 유지하고 동시에 제거 할 테이블에 카드를 넣어에서 모두 방지 할 수 있습니다. 카드를 추가 할 수있는 최종 사용자는 공격자의 오른쪽에있는 사람이다. 공격자가 다른 사람에게 (방어자는 여전히 자신의 손에 카드가있는 경우) 등 수비수의 왼쪽에서 원 카드를 추가 할 수있는 권한을 제공 할 때까지 대부분의 게임에서 구타 각 카드는 하나 원의 완료로 간주됩니다 에. 약간의 변형, 그것은 주요 공격자가 카드를 박았 후 only¹이며, 방어자는 방어 할 수 있다면. 위의 문은 true의 경우,이 개념 applies.² 최종 차례 [편집]의 의 끝에서 주요 공격자부터 카드를 기여 다른 사람이 따라하고, 수비수, 카드를 그릴해야합니다 그들의 손에 미만의 여섯 카드와 각각의 플레이어와 함께 절정 : 각 턴, 방어의 성공 여부에 관계없이 다음과 같은 작업이 수행된다 갑판에서 그들은 그들의 손에 여섯 카드가 될 때까지. 갑판이 카드가 부족하면 플레이는 단순히 더 이상 카드가 그려지없이 전달한다. 사람이 카드가 부족할 때이 시점에서, 그들은 게임을 완료하고, 다른 사람은 계속된다. 그들이 필요로 각 플레이어는 많은 카드를 그립니다 (이 갑판에 남아있는 여섯 카드이며, 공격자가 그들의 손 전체를 지출 한 경우 예를 들어, 그들은 전체 갑판을 그리고 다른 사람이 카드를 그립니다 없음). 갑판의 마지막 카드는 트럼프가 정의이기 때문에이 작업이 완료되는 순서가 전략적으로 중요하다. 어떤 선수가 어떤 시점에서 폐기 더미를 조사하지 않을 수 있습니다. 승리하고 [편집]을 잃고 게임의 다른 유형이있다. 한 유형의 승자, 단 하나의 패자도 없다; 다른의 우승자는 그의 손에 카드없이 게임을 떠나는 최초의 사람이다. 카드 마지막 사람은 자신의 왼쪽 또는 그녀의 손은 패자 (바보 또는 "durak")입니다. 그 사람은 다음 게임에 대한 딜러, 그리고 바보의 오른쪽에있는 사람은 다음 게임의 첫 번째 공격이다. [1] 팀 [편집]을 플레이 넷 (2 대 2) 6 플레이어 (2 대와 2 대 2, 3 대 3),이 팀에서 재생하는 것이 가능하다. 각 팀의 구성원은 반대 하나를 다른 (3 개) 또는 교류 (이 각 팀의 선수) 앉아. 각 팀의 구성원은 방어하기 위해 자신의 동료에 대한 카드를 내려 놓고, 대신 다른 팀 (들)에 말뚝에 초점을하지 않습니다. "견장과 바보"[편집] 공격자에 의해 연주 맨 마지막 카드 인 경우에 " 6 "(durak의 갑판에서 가장 낮은 교단)와 수비수는 수비수가 유쾌 발음 손실"durak의 pogonom "(дурак с погоном, 견장과 바보) 및"6 "의 어깨에 때렸다 할 수있다 패자. 종종 승자가 의도적으로 유지하여 자신이 장애인 수 있기 때문에 결말은 더욱 모욕 단순히 패자 "durak"( "바보")를 선언보다

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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