Welding -
General tolerances for welded
constructions -
Dimensions for lengths and
angles -
Shape and position
National foreword
This British S뻐ulard has been prepared by Teclmical Committee WEE/./l 따td is the En횡ish l와땅U팽e
version of EN ISO 13920:1잃6Welding -General t.olerαηces fi이· welded cηnstηLCti.ons -Dimensions
for lengths αnd aηgles -Shape and positi.on published by the European Committee for Standardization
(CEN). Itis identical with ISO 13920:1996published by the International 〔>rgar따ation for
S때1dardization σSO).
EN ISO 13920was produced as the result of international 띠scussion in which the UK took art active
Ithas been asswned in the drafting of this British Standard that the execution of its provisions is
enπusted to appropriately qualified artd 밍cperienced people.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.