HSJV have conducted the noise level measurement for STC Building MCR#1 as the result indicated in Attachment without realizing the absence of work scope and/or obligation under the Contract. As KEPCO is well aware, the simulator facility and other equipments installed in STC Building MCR#1 are purchased and installed by KEPCO E&C where the noise is generated from. Similarly, equipments in the Plant MCR are to be purchased and installed by KEPCO E&C. HSJV firmly believe that KEPCO’s request to conduct a noise level measurement for Plant MCR is not within HSJV’s Work in accordance with the Contract. The test should be carried out KEPCO and/or KEPCO E&C. Therefore HSJV cannot conduct any more noise level measurement which is not part of HSJV’s Scope of Work. KEPCO onerously keeps requesting to HSJV the noise level measurement when it is KEPCO and/or KEPCO E&C’s Scope of Work. Once a deed is done by HSJV out of good will cannot be repeated any more.