Most items arrive within the estimated delivery time. If you have not received your item in this time, don't worry as delays do occasionally occur. We ask you to wait 14 calendar days for UK, 21 calendar days for Europe and 30 calendar days for rest of world before you contact us to let us know you have not received your item.
To track your order please click here to visit the Track My Trak Pak website and enter your reference number HUT1862GB00068255401 in the 'TrakPak Number' box. After submitting the form the full delivery status of your order will then be shown.
We want you to be delighted each time you shop with us. If you are not completely satisfied with your item, please consult our Returns Policy for further information.
If you have any questions regarding your order, we also have a Help Section Online which should be able to answer your query.
Kind Regards,
Pro Bike Kit Team