The thesis of Non-Conceptualism about mental content says that not all
mental contents in the intentional or representational acts or states of
minded animals are strictly determined by their conceptual capacities,
and that at least some mental contents are strictly determined by their
non-conceptual capacities.
Non-Conceptualism is sometimes, but not
always, combined with the further thesis that non-conceptual capacities
and contents can be shared by rational human animals, non-rational
human minded animals (and in particular, infants), and non-human
minded animals alike. But in any case, Non-Conceptualism is directly
opposed to the thesis of Conceptualism about mental content, which says
that all mental contents are strictly determined by minded animals’ con-
ceptual capacities.
Conceptualism is also sometimes, but not always,
combined with the further thesis that the psychological acts or states of
infants and non-human minded animals lack mental content.
The thesis of Non-Conceptualism about mental content says that not allmental contents in the intentional or representational acts or states ofminded animals are strictly determined by their conceptual capacities,and that at least some mental contents are strictly determined by theirnon-conceptual capacities.4Non-Conceptualism is sometimes, but notalways, combined with the further thesis that non-conceptual capacitiesand contents can be shared by rational human animals, non-rationalhuman minded animals (and in particular, infants), and non-humanminded animals alike. But in any case, Non-Conceptualism is directlyopposed to the thesis of Conceptualism about mental content, which saysthat all mental contents are strictly determined by minded animals’ con-ceptual capacities.5Conceptualism is also sometimes, but not always,combined with the further thesis that the psychological acts or states ofinfants and non-human minded animals lack mental content.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

이 글은 비 컨셉튜얼리즘 모든 것이 심리 내용일부러 정신 내용 행동 또는 국가 또는 대표적인머리가 동물 엄격히 by 개념 능력어떤 정신 내용, 적어도 엄격히 달려있다개념적 능력이 없다.4비 컨셉튜얼리즘 가끔 아니라늘 함께 더욱 논문 개념 능력이 없다수, 내용 모두 합리적인 인간적 합리적 동물, 비사람 머리 동물 (, 특히, 아기), 비짐승 같은 사람.근데 어쨌든 비 컨셉튜얼리즘 직접이 글은 반대 컨셉튜얼리즘 정신 내용, 말했다.이 모든 것은 확실한 정신 내용 엄격하게 머리가 동물의 제어개념적 능력.5컨셉튜얼리즘 어떤 것도 항상 하지만,게다가 그 더욱 논문 심리 행동 또는 상태예, 의지가 없는 인간 심리 내용을 동물.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..